Red is the best


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Oh The Glory of Comfort Food~

Aright, so have you ever been so down in the dumps or just really angry and nothing is helping your mood what so ever? If yes, then I relate to you. Though something that will always calm me down or make me feel better is food.

Comfort food is probably the worst and besting thing there is. A pro about comfort food is that it gets you out of the mood you're in and makes you forget about it, especially if you play with your food in your head. Playing your food is fun in general but it'll make a mess and people will get mad at you so don't do that.

A con, a very big con, about comfort food is that you usually don't pay attention to how much you're eating while eating food in a frustrated state of mind, so you may go overboard with the the eating and give yourself some stomach aches and probably gain a few unwanted pounds. Yeah, bad right? Ya. Anyways~ one of my favorite comfort foods is marshmallows. Marshmallows and so cute and squishy it's like they're miniature people! My favorite thing to do with marshmallows is give them little faces with something chocolate, each with different personalities and faces, then give them small families. I like seeing my marshmallow village be happy, me being their glorious queen and all. Though all fun must come to an end, whether it be sudden or slow. I choose sudden though. What I do is pick the one with the happiest expression, smile at it as I bring it closer to my face, then bite down and rip its small head off. I'd like to imagine that the marshmallow people screech in adorable voices of terror as they see one of their own being brutally murdered by their, oh-so-perfect queen. I repeat that with every family of marshmallows until there is only one left. I converse with that one. It survived a massacre. It should be grateful that I'm such a generous ruler. Though, like every person who's been a victim of horror, it usually just freaks out and can't make any proper conversations. So, I end it's suffering and eat it whole. Now, aren't I such a great queen?

Anyways, I seem to have gone off topic, but whether you play around with your comfort food or just enjoy it for what it is, food, comfort food is there to make you feel better in your times of distress and just be there when you don't have anyone else. Just make sure you don't go overboard and eat too much, or make small kingdoms and murder them. Definitely don't do that. Anyways, just remember, comfort food is something you can rely on. See ya~

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