Red is the best


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Movie Review~ Featuring: Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events~!!

             ALRIGHT everyone buckle up because I'm about to take you on an adventure of a movie from 2004 that made up my childhood. Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events is directed by Brad Silberling and included actors and actresses such as Jim Carrey(Count Olaf), Liam Aiken(Klaus Baudelaire), Emily Browning(Violet Baudelaire), and Kara and Shelby Hoffman(Sunny Baudelaire). The film is about 3 very intelligent kids, Violet(14), Klaus(12), and Sunny(3), who try to escape the cruel clutches of their relative, Count Olaf, who would do anything to acquire the inheritance their parents left behind after perishing in a fire. The kids make ways to escape Olaf yet keep themselves alive without any parental supervision, using the resources around them to their personal use in the best ways possible. They go through a lot of hardships and have to face some miserable things but together they get past it.
             The film is dark comedy but I can guarantee that it is worth watching(and reading!). I'm not very good at describing things but if you don't believe me check it out for yourself. I'm sad to say I don't know where you can watch the original movie but there's a series on Netflix that's about the same, just in parts and with different actors, obviously. I was fine with the Netflix series but it gives you such a different feel from the original. AnYWAYS, hope you check it out if you haven't already and I'll 'see' you next time I write. Bye-bye~!

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