"Big things often have small beginnings" is a quote that I find to be somewhat true. Most good things that happen always have to start off somewhere, that somewhere can even be a thought that had occurred to you while taking a lovely bath. It can be a word you said or a thing you did that can change anything. Think of it as a tree. Trees often start off as a seed, which develops into a sapling. That sapling would soon grow up to be an oak you would see in a forest. That's how most things are. You can use this quote for almost anything, even this post if you want. It started off with that quote and took off to something more in depth, exapling what it is, or trying to at least. Just remember that you shouldn't give up if something doesn't satisfy you because it didn't go as you planned. Keep trying and what you find unsatisfactory may become something that you'd be proud to call yours.
I'd love to keep talking about this quote but I've things to do so I'll be closing this up. Big things must come to an end just as all things go up must come down. Just start a new thing and keep at what ever you love doing? Bye now.
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